5 Common Signs of Asthma
Life is best when we don’t have to think about allergy triggers every single minute of everyday. Yet for millions of people, there are triggers that can make a beautiful day a nightmare. People with asthma have chronic inflammation of the smaller airways, (the bronchi and bronchioles). This makes them excessively sensitive to things like tobacco smoke, pet dander, dust, stress, and fragrances, and any one of these things can send an asthmatic into a potentially deadly attack. Even though there is no cure for asthma, there are asthma treatments that work over the long term to control the inflammation (i.e, asthma inhalers). These open up the air passages by relaxing the muscles that are surrounding and constricting them. It’s important that everyone learns about asthma causes and triggers since roughly 300,000 million people suffer from it worldwide and it can be deadly. So, how do we know if we or those we love are suffering from asthma? Consider the symptoms: 1. Coughing Excess inflammation and mucus cause coughing and so this is one of the first symptoms and signs of an asthmatic attack. Though the purpose of a cough is to expel foreign substances, the asthmatic cough is generally mucus-free.