Hot Tub Buying Mistakes to Avoid

Hot Tub Buying Mistakes to Avoid

Be honest; the first thing you do after checking into a hotel is to go down to the pool and spend some time in the hot tub. They’re just nice. Hot tubs aren’t just relaxing, they’re a good investment in your health. They lower blood sugar levels in diabetics, ease stress, and are great for pain relief if you have lower back or shoulder pain.

Before you splurge on one of your own, here are some buying mistakes to avoid when you’re shopping for your new hot tub:

1. Not estimating your total cost
You’ve finally chosen a model after weeks of researching the best hot tubs; now you’re at the hot tub sales store with your card in hand and want to fall over from sticker shock. You knew that the model you wanted was going to cost you a few thousand dollars, but suddenly that number is almost double what you’d figured on spending. What happened?! You forgot to tally all of the costs associated with buying a hot tub. You know, the delivery fee, hot tub installation, extra protection plans. Do some research first before choosing a dealer. You may be able to find someone offering free delivery or a deal on their installation fee. Make a few calls and find out exactly what is covered in the sticker price of your new hot tub – and what isn’t.

2. Hot tub set up
It’s a pretty bad time to figure out where your new spa is going when a few delivery men are at your door. It’s even worse when you find out that the one you ordered doesn’t fit anywhere on your property. Taking a few minutes to decide this beforehand and taking precise measurements will save you and your delivery men a huge headache when the time comes. With these numbers you can find the right style and size for your space out of all the different types of hot tubs.

3. Hot tub maintenance
Most people consider the amount of maintenance required to own a pool and choose to forego one. Somehow a lot of people think that hot tubs spas, and jet baths are excluded from these maintenance requirements. They’re not. Don’t find out after the fact. Do some research into the manufacturer’s recommended cleaning routine and the chemicals you’ll need to maintain your hot tub. A good dealer should be able to help you source these vital components and teach you how to use them.

4. Accessories you’ll need
No, not those bluetooth light up speakers that will add so much ambiance to your soaking – the stuff you need for your hot tub to stay in top shape. A lift for the cover, because they are not light weight, steps to help you in and out of your hot tub, waterproof pillows, maybe a handrail. Some things are optional, but there are add-ons you need to be ready to purchase to make using your hot tub easy and enjoyable. Really consider what you’d need to make sure you use your hot tub frequently. If you’re not too sure you can talk to your sales person and ask them which accessories are really necessary to make your hot tub ownership one that’s relaxing and fun.