Home Remedies to Keep Ticks and Fleas Away

Home Remedies to Keep Ticks and Fleas Away

Fleas are a menace in the house. They are detested as they infest pets and bite them causing great pain to them. Fleabites though not very common in humans do happen occasionally and can cause great discomfort due to itching and swelling. Fleas and ticks can carry and transmit several illnesses, such as Lyme disease and typhus. Veterinary treatments can get expensive, which is why most pet owners purhcase pet insurance or dog insurance online. Thankfully, there are also natural home remedies that can help prevent and rid the home of these pests.

The following are tried and trusted home remedies to keep fleas and ticks away from your home and your pets:

1. Salt
Carpets, rugs, and mats are the areas which fleas inhabit. They are very comfortable in the soft furlike surface. Before vacuuming these areas spread some salt onto it. Rub the salt in the carpets and fabrics on furniture. Let it sit for a day or two and then vacuum it. Salt is a dehydrating agent and it helps to get rid of adult fleas. After vacuuming trash the waste separately in a trash can outside your house compound.

2. Baking soda
This is one of the most effective remedies to get rid of fleas. Spread baking soda on the furnishing like carpets and rugs and furniture upholstery. If you have thick curtains spray them on them too. Leave it for a day or two and vacuum it. Baking soda dehydrates and kills both fleas and flea larvae, thereby preventing an outbreak from going out of control. Mixing baking soda and salt and using is also effective.

3. Lemon spray
Soak sliced lemon and add it to a bottle of water. Let it seep into the water and use the spray to spray on furniture and furnishings. Only dampen the areas and make sure not to soak it. Use it on your pets bedding as that is an area where fleas reside.

4. Diatomaceous earth
Diatomaceous earth is a fine powder which is the microscopic remains of fossilized algae. Use the food-grade diatomaceous earth as the other grades may irritate the eyes and throat though they are not toxic. This powder causes dehydration to the fleas and kills them.

5. Brewers yeast
Brewers yeast is a type of yeast used in bread making. It is also used to make beer. Sprinkle some of it on your dog food every day. After regular consumption, your dog will release an odor which will repel fleas. Humans cannot smell the odor.

6. Garlic
Add garlic to food. The odor released when you consume garlic repels fleas. They hate the smell of garlic.

7. Vinegar
Fleas detest the smell of vinegar. Spray vinegar on your clothing when you are going outdoors to areas where there can be fleas. Vinegar can be added to mop the floor or when you rinse your pets rugs and carpets.

Herbal flea sprays, dish soap, flea repelling plants and herbs and powders made from these herbs are good to prevent fleas in the house.

Wash your pet’s blankets and the house rugs. When vacuuming furniture vacuum the cracks and crevices in the furniture. Seal the cracks in the floor if any. Flea treatment should be done regularly to eradicate fleas. There are many other natural treatments that are used for flea and tick prevention.