Diet Tips for Dyskinesia

Diet Tips for Dyskinesia

Changing one’s lifestyle is without a doubt the best way to manage the symptoms of dyskinesia related to parkinson’s disease, among many other conditions. Diet and nutrition play a major role in ensuring patients lead a healthy lifestyle while living with a chronic condition. The lifestyle tips for dyskinesia that feature into the daily diet are explained below. Read on to learn how diet can be used to manage dyskinesia effectively:

1. The role of diet for patients with parkinson’s related dyskinesia
For those looking for lifestyle tips for dyskinesia, managing one’s diet is an effective way of treating dyskinesia-related to parkinson’s disease. A diet that provides the right types of nutrients can help in keeping one healthy and manage the symptoms effectively. There are also certain foods that can worsen the symptoms or general health conditions of those suffering from dyskinesia, which need to be avoided.

2. Eating for weight management
Weight loss can be a problem for those suffering from parkinson’s dyskinesia. A good diet should focus on providing all the essential nutrients one would require. Medications can also affect the way nutrition gets absorbed from the food consumed. This can also lead to weight loss due to poor nutrition. Tips for weight management include:

  • Maintaining a nutritious diet: One that’s balanced and has more lean protein and good fats is often recommended. Apart from food, nutritional supplements may also be recommended to ensure weight management. Before taking any supplements, one should ensure to consult their doctor.
  • Nausea: is also one issue that people with dyskinesia can face. This is because of the medication that may be prescribed. One should avoid taking medicines on an empty stomach and drink plenty of water and eat fresh fruits to avoid this problem.

3. Need for fiber
One of the more common health problems faced by those suffering from dyskinesia is constipation. A good way of solving this problem naturally is by consuming foods that are rich in fiber like legumes, whole grains and cereals, fruits, and vegetables. Fiber also helps in digestion and can help solve the problem of constipation. Drinking at least 1.5 liters of water is recommended as it can soften the stools, thereby helping in smoother bowel movements.

4. Balanced diet
A balanced diet should include proteins, carbohydrates, and even fats. A high protein, high-calorie diet is recommended for those suffering from dyskinesia as they may suffer from weight loss issues. At the same time, fat consumed should include good fats like those found in nuts, seeds, and fatty fish. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy products, and poultry are also recommended to be included in a diet for those suffering from dyskinesia.

5. General tips on nutrition
The following tips can be kept in mind for those suffering from dyskinesia:

  • High calorie and high protein foods that provide nutrients must be consumed. Milk products, eggs, cheese, granola bars, peanut butter, cookies, sandwiches, and crackers are generally recommended.
  • Eating four to five small meals a day is advised rather than eating three big meals.
  • Unhealthy beverages like those having caffeine and carbonated drinks can also be avoided.

The lifestyle tips for dyskinesia presented in this article explains the role of diet in managing this condition.