
Foods to Avoid During Perimenopause

Perimenopause (the phase leading up to menopause) refers to a distinct phase in every woman’s life. While a lot of things you may have heard about menopause are untrue, the fact is that millions of women in the country experience differing symptoms that affect their lives, both physically and mentally during menopause. To reduce these symptoms, many doctors recommend dietary changes in addition to any medications or therapies they may have prescribed. However, what you don’t eat also plays View postan impactful role during perimenopause.

This article lists the foods that can worsen your symptoms (i.e., hot flashes, weight gain, mood swings, migraines, sleep loss, etc.) during perimenopause:

1. Spicy foods
Night sweats and hot flashes, two common symptoms of menopause, increase considerably when you consume spicy foods. Spicy foods like chili or cayenne peppers and jalapeños not only increase your body temperature but also your blood pressure. Replace them with spices like turmeric or fresh herbs. If you are looking to burn fat during menopause, consider drinking green tea that is rich in antioxidants. It helps strengthen your bones, thus reducing the risk of fractures and promotes better sleep.

2. Alcohol
The second most troubling problem, after hot flashes, faced by women going through menopause is insomnia. Alcohol worsens this symptom. Reducing your consumption of alcohol is highly recommended to bring down the frequency and intensity of hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings. While abstinence from alcohol is the best way forward, you could at least cut down your intake to a couple of glasses of wine or cocktails per week. This significantly reduces your risk for cancer and cardiovascular diseases too.

3. Processed foods
High in saturated fat, salt, and sugar, processed foods do more harm than good for you, especially during menopause. High sodium content leads to increased water retention, weight gain, and bloating, all of which are symptoms of menopause.

4. Carb heavy snacks
Snacking on calorie-rich refined carbohydrate snacks like chips, doughnuts, cookies, and cakes leads to erratic fluctuations in glucose levels in the body. This could trigger depression and progressively weaken bone density during menopause. Some fresh yogurt, oatmeal with mixed berries, wholewheat toast with almond butter, and fresh raw vegetables with a homemade dip are undoubtedly better, and a more healthy alternative. They provide healthy fiber and key proteins that are essential for you during menopause.

5. Caffeine
Caffeine drinks like coffee, tea, and aerated soda trigger or exacerbate menopause symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats, and contributes to sleep problems and associated mood swings. So it is best to stay away from coffee at all times of the day. A fragrant cup of hot herbal tea in flavors like peppermint, ginger, or Licorice root may be better alternatives to caffeine.

It is best to follow a healthy, well-balanced, sensible diet every day of your life. This is vital irrespective of how old you are. Eat wholesome foods rich in nutrients and follow a moderate but routine exercise regime. This will keep you fit for life.